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ForgeRock OpenIG 3.1 has been recently released (12th of December, on time ;) ) and it’s time for you to give it a try! Already done that ? Great! But wait a minute, what are all theses deprecation warning messages you see on the logs ?

WED DEC 17 16:46:03 CET 2014 (WARNING) file:/.../config/config.json
The configuration field heap/objects has been deprecated. Heap objects should now be listed directly in the top level "heap" field, e.g. { "heap" : [ objects... ] }.
WED DEC 17 16:46:03 CET 2014 (WARNING) file:/.../config/config.json
[/] The 'handlerObject' attribute is deprecated, please use 'handler' instead

Don’t worry, these messages are only warnings, your old configurations are still parseable by OpenIG 3.1: everything is backward compatible, we just warn you that, in the next major release, theses elements are likely to be unsupported (in other words, they would probably be ignored).

Hopefully, in order to reduce the burden of migrating your config files manually, which is always an error-prone operation, I wrote a small toolkit that will massage your existing JSON configuration and produce a 3.1 compatible JSON.

At time of writing, the openig-migration toolkit supports the following migration actions:

  • heap/objects array has been simplified to just heap
  • Heap object declaration inline (when possible)
  • Remove "config": {} (empty element)
  • Rename RedirectFilter to LocationHeaderFilter
  • Rename handlerObject to handler
  • Rename OAuth2ResourceServerFilter deprecated attributes to new names


As there is still no binary available, you have to build the binary yourself (make sure you use a JDK 8 at both compile and runtime):

git clone
cd openig-migration
mvn clean install

Then, you have to execute it: it expects a path to the JSON document to migrate:

java -jar target/openig-migration-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar .../config.json

This command line outputs the transformed JSON on System.out.


This example is extracted from OpenIG 3.0 documentation:

  "heap": {
    "objects": [
        "name": "DispatchHandler",
        "type": "DispatchHandler",
        "config": {
          "bindings": [
              "condition": "${exchange.request.uri.path == '/login'}",
              "handler": "LoginChain",
              "baseURI": "http://TARGETIP"
              "handler": "OutgoingChain",
              "baseURI": "http://TARGETIP"
        "name": "LoginChain",
        "type": "Chain",
        "config": {
          "filters": [
          "handler": "OutgoingChain"
        "name": "LoginRequest",
        "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
        "config": {
          "method": "POST",
          "uri": "https://TARGETIP/login",
          "form": {
            "USER": [
            "PASSWORD": [
        "name": "OutgoingChain",
        "type": "Chain",
        "config": {
          "filters": [
          "handler": "ClientHandler"
        "name": "CaptureFilter",
        "type": "CaptureFilter",
        "config": {
          "captureEntity": false,
          "file": "/tmp/gateway.log"
        "name": "ClientHandler",
        "comment": "Responsible for sending all requests to remote servers.",
        "type": "ClientHandler",
        "config": {}
  "handlerObject": "DispatchHandler"

… and is migrated to:

  "heap": [
      "name": "DispatchHandler",
      "type": "DispatchHandler",
      "config": {
        "bindings": [
            "condition": "${exchange.request.uri.path == '/login'}",
            "handler": {
              "name": "LoginChain",
              "type": "Chain",
              "config": {
                "filters": [
                    "name": "LoginRequest",
                    "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
                    "config": {
                      "method": "POST",
                      "uri": "https://TARGETIP/login",
                      "form": {
                        "USER": [
                        "PASSWORD": [
                "handler": "OutgoingChain"
            "baseURI": "http://TARGETIP"
            "handler": "OutgoingChain",
            "baseURI": "http://TARGETIP"
      "name": "OutgoingChain",
      "type": "Chain",
      "config": {
        "filters": [
            "name": "CaptureFilter",
            "type": "CaptureFilter",
            "config": {
              "captureEntity": false,
              "file": "/tmp/gateway.log"
        "handler": {
          "name": "ClientHandler",
          "comment": "Responsible for sending all requests to remote servers.",
          "type": "ClientHandler"
  "handler": "DispatchHandler"

Notice the now inlined object declaration that make it easier to follow the execution flow and understand what happen to your request. The empty un-necessary elements have been removed too.


At time of writing, some old JSON files may be incorrectly handled by the migration CLI:

  • Incorrectly escaped regular expressions (in EntitytExtractFilter)
  • Multi-line Strings (without a line ending \)


Feel free to open issues, and/or fork the repository for any improvements you can think of.

I’ll be happy to consider all pull requests.

Happy hacking !

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Guillaume Sauthier

Senior software engineer, open source believer



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