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A route is an OpenIG configuration fragment that supports hot reloading. This is the perfect tool for developing your configuration, trying it, fixing it with a very fast feedback. This is also very handy for managing your configuration complexity by splitting it into smaller, more cohesive, sections.


Here is a route configuration file … just to give you a taste.

Except for the condition property, it’s really looking like a regular config.json content, right ?

You’ll recognise some attributes from the main configuration file:

  • heap/objects: where you describe all of your route components and how they’re linked to each others
  • handler: specify the main entry point of your route
  • baseURI: where the request should be re-routed (optional)


An interesting feature of routes is that they inherit objects from their parent route (config.json content being the primary route, ancestor of all others). That means that any named object defined in a parent config file (let’s say config.json) can be re-used by the child route defined components:

Assuming that config.json defines a ClientHandler instance named Forwarder, someone could write in his own route that would includes this Chain:

  "name": "OutgoingChain",
  "type": "Chain",
  "config": {
    "filters": [ ],
    "handler": "Forwarder"

This feature makes it very easy to share pieces of configuration logic in a common/shared place (the parent route or config.json).


Each route is having a dedicated namespace (some kind of private area) where objects declared in its heap/objects array are kept. That means that a route cannot access objects defined in another route (except if the object is declared in the parent route, thanks to inheritance), effectively providing content isolation.

That’s utmost useful for multiple reasons:

  • When writing the configuration, errors may happen (we cannot always be right on the first shot), having isolation limits the number of issues that may arise due to unmanaged (or unseen) dependencies.
  • When hot-reloading is enabled (the default), this permits fragmented update of your system (just update what you need, not the whole configuration)

Exchange processing

The heap/objects array contains all of your route components (declaration, configuration and bindings with other components). One of the declared Handler has to be referenced through the handler top level attribute:

  "heap": {
    "objects": [
        "name": "EntryPoint",
        "type": "StaticResponseHandler",
        "config": {
          "status": 200
  "handler": "EntryPoint"

Notice that the handler attribute is required, an error will be thrown if not set.

Conditional execution

Unlike config.json, a route is conditionally invoked given the result of a condition:

  "condition": "${exchange.request.form['forward'] == true}"

The condition is expressed as an Expression and gives you access to all of the properties of the Exchange being processed. It has to return a boolean (any other return type will be considered as false).

If the condition attribute is absent (or null), the route will always accept the Exchange (if proposed).

Here are some examples of useful conditions:

  • Only requests whose paths are starting with /wordpress/:

      "condition": "${matches(exchange.request.uri, '^/wordpress/')}"
  • Requests paths starting with a value or another:

      "condition": "${matches(exchange.request.uri.path, '^(/carousel|/openid)')}"

Uri Rebasing

When an Exchange is accepted in a route, its request.uri may be rebased (if there is a baseURI top level attribute). Notice this is the very first thing happening to the Exchange inside of the route (even before being handled by your main handler object).

Activation / Deactivation

The RouterHandler (which is the heap object managing routes) is observing a given directory (${openig.base}/routes/ unless specified to something else) for route files. Each file that ends with .json is considered as a route and is tried to be activated. If everything goes well, the new route is available into the system, otherwise, an error is displayed into the logs.

Activating a route is as simple as dropping a .json file in the right folder.

And deactivating as simple as removing that file.

Notice that you can simply rename the file with a different extension to have it ignored by the system (and thus uninstalled if it was previously active):

  wordpress.json -> wordpress.json.disabled

Scan interval

The route file scan is done at most 1 time per scanInterval (default value to 10 seconds) and that this scan is not done by a background thread but by the thread that handle the request (ie don’t wait for a log message saying a new route was discovered :) ).


The RouteHandler imposes a lexicographical order when trying to hand-off the current Exchange to one of the available route. The file name is used as a default value when there is no name top level attribute in the route configuration.

For example, given the following routes/ folder content (no name attribute defined in any of the routes), the routes would be tried in this order: 00-main.json, next.json and zz-default.json.

  00-main.json    (1)
  zz-default.json (3)
  next.json       (2)

You can override the default system provided name (based on the file name) by specifying a name attribute in the route:

  "name": "my-name"


Routes is a very handy tool for OpenIG users, there is even a global Router in the default configuration: just drop your json files in ${openig.base}/routes/ and you’re good to go !


In the next post we’ll talk about OAuth 2.0.

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Guillaume Sauthier

Senior software engineer, open source believer



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